Goupy, Marcel
Goupy, Marcel (1886-1954) – Colorless glass with an enamelled and gilded decoration of grapes and raisins (‘Treille de vigne et raisins’). The shape/form of the vase is an acorn (‘gland’) and designed by Goupy, the decoration however is by his companion and collaborator at Georges (Géo) Rouard (art publisher) Auguste Claude Heiligenstein (1891-1976). They worked close together from 1919 up until 1923. In 1989 there was a beautiful exhibition in Brussels “Art Deco in Europe” where this vase was featured on the poster of this exhibit which will be given to the purchaser of this rare vase. Height: 23 cms.
“Art Deco in Europa, decoratieve tendensen in de toegepaste kunst rond 1925” – p.: 16, 258. tentoonstellingscatalogus Paleis voor Schone Kunsten, 1989. Publ.: Snoeck-Ducaju & Zn. Gent. Cappa, Giuseppe,; “L’Europe de l’art Verrier”,; Ed.: Mardaga, Liège 1998. p.: 271, ill.: p.: 272